Dr. Gordon Dutton

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A poem about CVI written and read by Gordon Dutton

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It can be very useful for parents to complete a questionnaire/inventory about their child’s vision prior to attending the eye appointment. There are many types of these available. One well known example is the visual skills inventory developed by Professor Gordon Dutton and his team at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow.

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The Visual Skills inventories link to Home and School Strategies which contain useful practical strategies when an aspect of vision has been found problematic. Sections of these can be used in conjunction with reports to give to parents and other people involved with the child’s care. These are available below:

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Retrieved from Ulster Vision Resources, Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Ulster University, 6-20-17 http://biomed.science.ulster.ac.uk/research-institute/ulster-vision-resources/resources/resources-for-professionals/cvi-assessment/

Lueck, A.H., & Dutton, G. N. (Eds.) (2015). Vision and the Brain: Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children. New York, NY: AFB Press.

Cerebral Visual Impairment Society - CVI Society

The Cerebral Visual Impairment Society


Types of impaired vision in children related to damage to the brain, and approaches towards their management

Gordon N Dutton, Paediatric Ophthalmologist, Emeritus Professor of Visual Science, Glasgow Caledonian University,  Glasgow G4 0BA, UK                                                                  (Paper presented at the Proceedings of the South Pacific Educators for the Visually Impaired. January 2013.)


Dutton, G., & Bax, M. (Eds.). (2010). Visual Impairment in children due to damage to the brain: Clinics in developmental medicine. London, England: Mac Keith Press.
Zihl, J., & Dutton, G. N. (2014). Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention in Zihl, J., & Dutton, G. N., Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children: Visuoperceptive and Visuocognitive Disorders (pp. 123-179). Wien, Austria: Springer Verlag.

“Diagnostic assessment of CVI in children is an interdisciplinary task, which needs close cooperation between the disciplines of (neuro-)ophthalmology, neuropaediatrics, developmental neuropsychology, orthoptics as well as early intervention and special education specialists. Observations reported by parents, brothers and sisters and other reference persons about the child’s visually guided behaviour such as grasping for toys, visual exploration, fixation, responses to toys and other objects and play behaviour can provide significant indications concerning spared and affected visual capacities.”

“Parents and caregivers need to be closely involved in all habilitational efforts, so that they can be shown how to help their child, and encouraged to integrate and appropriately extend any successful outcomes of intervention into their child’s activities of everyday living.”

“This book provides a state-of-the-art account of what is known about the development and disorders of visual perception in children. It covers the development and disorders of visual perception in children, their assessment, early intervention and management in an interdisciplinary context, both from a scientific as well as clinical perspective.” Chapter 6 includes: Interview method, assimilating the information, communicating the diagnosis and management plan, visual function and functional vision. Chapter 7 includes: Direct interventions and adaptive strategies for the child for home, school and community.

Dutton, G. N. (2013). The spectrum of CVI as a sequel to premature birth: An overview. Documenta Ophthalmologic, 127(1), 69-78.
Dutton, G. N. (2013). Types of impaired vision in children related to damage to the brain, and approaches towards their management. Journal of the South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment, 6(1), 14-30.
Little, S., & Dutton, G. N. (2015). Some children with multiple disabilities and cerebral visual impairment can engage when enclosed by a ‘tent’: Is this due to Balint syndrome? British Journal of Visual Impairment, 33(1), 6673.
McKillop, E., & Dutton, G. N. (2008). Impairment of vision in children due to damage to the brain: A practical approach. British Journal of Ophthalmology, 5, 8-14.
Philip, S. S., Dutton, G. N. (2014). Indentifying and characterising cerebral visual impairment in children: A review. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 97(3), 196-208.

Emerald Education Systems

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Dr. Gordon Dutton’s 6 hour online course: Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children: A Practical Approach

“Must see” interview between Dr. Gordon Dutton and a mom raising a child with cerebral visual impairment. Tips for strategies at home and in the school environment.

The webinar explores:

  • What is vision?
  • How does the brain see?
  • What is it that limits vision if the brain is damaged?
  • Why is it essential to make sure that everything that is presented can be perceived and understood?

Professor Dutton also took some time to answer some questions which were sent in advance of the Webinar