Suggested materials to use in Assessment for Range 7-8
More colors
Familiar patterns
Preferred color may be necessary when complex, highly detailed symbols or images are presented
Color helps organize, frame or highlight salient features of material
Color may “anchor” visual attention
Not required for attention at near distance
Tablet devices incorporate movement and backlighting
Visual latency
Rarely present
Visual field preferences
May alternate use of right and left fields
Competing auditory stimuli tolerated while using vision
Smiles/regards familiar and new faces
Views simple books or symbols
Identification of salient features, internal details and location of targets against complex and patterned backgrounds
Salient features and complexity of array
Distance viewing
Visual attention extends to 10 feet with targets that produce movement
Atypical visual reflexes
Visual threat response consistently present
Selection of objects less restricted
Vision “warm-up” time may be required
Absence of visually guided reach
Look and touch occur in rapid sequence, but not always together