10 Tips for Using iPads with Students with CVI: 
Big Bang Patterns
Big Bang Pictures
By Inclusive Technology Ltd.
Specially designed for use with children with low vision, including those with CVI and complex needs
Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box
By Cognable
21 engaging visuals with a range of color palettes and styles of control including single touch, multi-touch, switch access and sound activation
Find the Same
By Ebenezer School & Home for the Visually Impaired
Matching game with focus on salient features of shapes, animals, food groups; background colors and card colors can be changed to match student’s preferred color
By nebulus design
Light touch to iPad causes slow flowing colors to move across screen as if liquid
Glow Coloring for iPad
By MobiTech 3000 LLC
Drawing app that allows you to choose your color and writing utensil to mark on a black background
My Talking Picture Board
By Little Bear Sees and Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
Use your own photos to create arrays for choice; may change background for increasing complexity and add sound and movement
See, Touch, Learn
By Brain Parade: A Learning Celebration
Uses high quality photos of animals, objects, letters that can be displayed individually or added to an array of increasing number of objects and complexity
Tap-n-See Now
By Little Bear Sees
Created specifically for children with CVI: Cause and effect app that allows you to change object color, background color, reward sound and the speed that visual target moves
Toddler Tap!
By James Miller
Tap to learn basic concepts and develop vocabulary for shapes, colors, numbers, letters and items around the house. Over 280 words across 22 different topics.
Simple drawings with space in between pictures, but you may need to cut a square out of black paper to block out some of the choices.
iPad Apps for early choicemaking:
Yes/No By I Can Do Apps, LLC Turns your iPad into a simple Yes (green smiling rectangle with “yes”) and No (red frowning rectangle with “no”) choice board with auditory feedback and one blink of the color.
Yes/No Button By Lakeside Llama, LLC Turns your iPad into a “Yes/No” choice board. You may adjust to having only one symbol on the screen or both, in a vertical alignment. Both choices are red circles with the word in a simple white font. Auditory feedback and one blink of the color when activated.
My Talking Picture Board
By Little Bear Sees and Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
Use your own photos to create arrays for choice; may change background for increasing complexity and add sound and movement
ChoiceBoard Creator By Techno Chipmunk Use your own photos stored on your iPad to create a visual choice making board. You may change screen from one to six choice photos. You may choose background color, photo size, audio play, randomize choice boxes.
iPad Apps for scribbling/early writing
Glow Coloring By YAGU Enterprises LLC – Black background and 36 choices of colors for scribbling. Also provides choice of stamps to tap screen to add pictures.
FingerPaint with Sounds By Inclusive Technology LTD – Choose from: No music/sounds, Play music or Play sound effects. Choose to paint with multitouch or use single touch to encourage finger isolation. White solid background and variety of colors. Sounds are very fun and playful, but you do have the choice to omit them if pairing vision with music is too complex of an environment for your child.
Draw with Stars By L’Escapadou – Use one or 10 fingers to draw yellow, blue and white twirling stars onto a simple complexity night sky. May choose to have musical feedback when drawing. There is alot going on with app, not for children who need to keep it simple.
ABC Magnetic Alphabet By Dot Next – Ability to drag and drop uppercase, lowercase, symbols, shapes etc. onto a page. Can change background from solid black, white, various solid colors to complex scenes as well as decide how many letters to present at a time and how far apart to space them.
iPad Apps for teaching the consistant characteristics of objects through play:
Animal Fun by Brian Pfeil
Large image library of animals presented on a solid, white background, one simple photo at a time. Animal’s name is also on the screen in a simple, black font. App will speak the animal’s name, spell the name with each letter changing to red as it is spoken, and you can hear the sound the animal makes.
See, Touch, Learn by Brain Parade
Starter image library of simple photographs, individually presented on white background squares (option to purchase more categories). Starts with one photo providing teacher the opportunity to describe the object’s characteristics, click on it, hear a ding for correct, then move to a screen with that same photo and one different photo, find it, click on it, move to screen with 3 photos, etc.
Find the Same by Ebenezer School
Library of drawn pictures of shapes, animals, foods, for matching “same.” Ability to choose white or black background for pictures, large array of choices (9).
Toddler Tap! by James Miller
Choose from multiple categories including letters, numbers, shapes, food, animals, etc. Screen has simple background with simple images. Large array of images at one time, which is not adjustable, but the pictures are clear drawings. Easy change from English to Spanish auditory.
Animal Pairs Game by Acento Comunicacion
You are given the choice of: easy (6 pictures), medium (12) or difficult (21). Background is complex with a farm scene behind the squares of animal pictures, which you tap to reveal a color drawing of a single animal, you tap a second…if they match you hear the sound that the animal makes, if they don’t match, the cards turn back around and you make a another set of choices.
Facebook pages to Like
Babies with iPads
The Cerebral Visual Impairment Society
Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI) Support
CVI Connection
CVI Phase III Community
Little Bear Sees
Thinking Outside the Light-Box
Pinterest pages to Pin