“Use typical literacy strategies. Many techniques used by parents and teachers for supporting literacy development for children without additional disabilities can be useful for all children. Examine the child’s unique needs and modify the technique as appropriate. For example, reading aloud to a child is always important. Children with additional disabilities benefit from listening to a story being read aloud just like children without disabilities. Some modifications might be needed, such as positioning a child who has a physical disability so he or she can be involved in the experience by examining and turning the pages of the book.”
Pogrund, R. L., & Fazzi, D. L. (Eds.). (2002). Early focus: Working with young children who are blind or visually impaired and their families. New York, NY: AFB Press.
Strategies that typically require a verbal response from a child can be accommodated by the adult inserting a pause, allowing time for the learner to process the information. The adult should then verbally provide the answer themselves. This allows the opportunity for the child to think about what the answer will be, and then be provided with correct response.
Dialogic reading: An effective way to read to preschoolers
Dialogic reading is a well-researched and specific read-aloud strategy using a method of questioning and prompting to encourage children to think about the story as it is read. Whitehurst, G. J. (1992). Available from: http://www.readingrockets.org/article/dialogic-reading-effective-way-read-preschoolers
Center for Literacy and Disability Studies https://www.med.unc.edu/ahs/clds
Steps to Literacy developed by Deaf-Blind Network Literacy Work Group 2014
All Children Can Read: Literacy Skills Checklist
National Braille Press Great Expectations: Bringing picture books to life for blind kids
Helping Young Children to Develop Emergent Literacy Skills
Paths to Literacy for students who are blind or visually impaired http://www.pathstoliteracy.org/helping-young-children-develop-emergent-literacy-skills
Eight tips to introduce reading to your young child who is blind
Paths to Literacy for students who are blind or visually impaired http://www.perkins.org/stories/blog/eight-tips-to-introduce-reading-to-your-young-child-who-is-blind
Information about Emergent Literacy and Sharing Books with a Young Child with a Visual Impairment
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