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Kaleidoscope: The Cortical Visual Impairment Podcast
Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Great News! The Neurological Visual Impairment Division is excited to announce that we have achieved permanent status within the Council of Divisions in AER. Thanks to all who have joined the NVID; we look forward to continue to learn and share knowledge with all of you working with those birth through adulthood living with a brain based visual impairment. Stay tuned for the election ballot in the next weeks that will put officers in place to kick off their term at the International Conference in Reno.
TEACHCVI Literacy Profile:
CHECK it out!
a practical tool to be used by teachers and other professionals in order to collect information about the functional vision and literacy of children with CVI. click here
Parents/caregivers of children with cerebral visual impairment Survey – Please help!
CVI Scotland’s Learning Spectrum
We have created a simple tool to help you work out how good the learning opportunities are for the person with CVI, and where they could be made better. click here
2018 American Conference on Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment June 29-30, 2018 in Omaha, NE, USA.
The course will feature renowned experts, a two full-day curriculum, and it will be LIVE TELECAST for those unable to attend in person.
CEU applications will be submitted to COPE, AOTA, NPTA and ACVREP and for AMA PRA Category ITM credits. Additional updates on available credits will be provided throughout the spring.
Cortical Visual Impairment: An Approach to Assessment and Intervention, 2nd Edition (Paperback)
By Christine Roman-Lantzy
Click here
Dr. Amanda Lueck guest blog
Increasing Complexity Pegboard
Children diagnosed with CVI frequently have difficulty in understanding objects presented in a complex array. The Increasing Complexity Pegboard provides materials for parents and teachers to create background templates specifically for their learners.
International AERBVI conference flyer:
Modify on the Fly for CVI posted by Yvonne Locke on Jan 15, 2018
Increasing Complexity Pegboard click here
A manipulative developed for children with visual impairments, including those diagnosed with CVI.
The Increasing Complexity Pegboard was created for children with visual impairments, including those diagnosed with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI). Paired with diagnostic teaching strategies, the pegboard set helps to determine and support the child’s color, lighting, movement, and complexity needs.
Children diagnosed with CVI frequently have difficulty in understanding objects presented in a complex array. The Increasing Complexity Pegboard provides materials for parents and teachers to create background templates specifically for their learner.
Nicola McDowell – My CVI journey
WeAreVisibility, Published on YouTube Sep 5, 2017
Nicola McDowell explains how she has coped with CVI throughout her life and the challenges she has experienced and overcome
TEACHCVI click here
TEACHCVI is a partnership that aims to create collaborative tools for teachers and health care professionals. It is meant to build a bridge between teachers/educators and health care professionals so they can work together to benefit the target group: children with CVI.
Aims of the project:
Making a tool for health care professionals and educators to screen for CVI.
Creating a common database of tools for CVI detection.
Producing resources for teachers to support their work in the assessment of CVI.
Making teaching methodologies to enable the child’s access to literacy, this includes training and teaching materials for teachers/educators of children with cerebral visual impairment.
Start Seeing CVI
Cortical visual impairment, CVI and faces, facial recognition
‘So hard, this CVI’
click here
Specific iPad Apps for Students with CVI in Phase III click here
FVA for Students with Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment
FVA webinar with Rajiv K. Panikkar and Joanne Szabo.
WHEN: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM Eastern Time.
Broadcast LIVE and FREE to attend.
click here
Should My Child Read Print or Braille or Both? By PennyR retrieved Aug 06, 2017 from Paths to Literacy Blog
Morse, M. T. (2017). Practice Perspective: Should individuals who do not fit the definition of visual impairment be excluded from visual impairment services? Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 111 (4), 377-381.
Match–It-Up Frames can be used by parents and teachers to custom-design activities addressing specific learning needs of students who are blind and visually impaired, as well as those with multiple disabilities.
click here
Impact of Cerebral Visual Impairments on Motor Skills: Implications for Developmental Coordination Disorders
- 1Unité Fonctionnelle Vision and Cognition, Fondation Ophtalmologique Rothschild, Paris, France
- 2Laboratoire de Psychologie de la Perception, UMR 8242, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Université Paris-Descartes, Paris, France
- 3Department of Vision Science, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
Announcing the provisional status of the:
Neurological Visual Impairment Division (NVID): Division 20 Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER)
Join AER and add the Neurological Visual Impairment Division to your account via the AER website. Follow instructions to become new AER member, adding the NVID or click on “add division” under your current account profile. The fee is the standard $10 for adding a division and will provide you access to participate in the development of the NVID as it begins.
Membership will provide a social network to share resources, strategies and new information concerning children and adults across the full spectrum of neurological visual impairment.
Check out the NVID page at:
Strategy to See: Diane Sheline
For those who care for and work with students with cerebral/cortical visual impairment
The 4th Edition of Diane’s book, Strategy to See: Strategies for Students with Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment, is finally available to the public! If ordered through the link noted below, a portion of the proceeds will go towards supplying books for families and educators who otherwise would not be able to own a book.
To order, go to;
Cerebral Visual Impairment based on Lueck & Dutton’s Vision and the Brain, is now available as a self-paced tutorial! This tutorial includes all of the lectures, interviews, presentations and resources of Dr. Amanda Lueck’s 10-session online class, with the flexibility of self-paced scheduling.
The tutorial costs $150 for 20 credits (ACVREP, Continuing Education Credits, or Professional Development Points), or $45 if no credits are needed.
You may learn when and where you like, and you set the deadline for completion.
The tutorial is made up of 5 modules, each containing video segments, readings, and assigned activities to enhance and apply your learning. Plan to spend 1 week working through each module. While this is a self-paced course, the material will have the most impact if you work steadily through the outline in the order it is presented.
If you prefer the instructor-led format, with in-class discussions and case study groups, this Cerebral Visual Impairment, online class will return in 2017. The course is spread over 10 weeks, and earns 25 credits.
The Cerebral Visual Impairment Society
This is not a new website, but they have added alot of information and training dates.
AFB American Foundation for the Blind
Keys to Educational Success: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities (Paperback)
By Angela Martyn, Betsy L. McGinnity, Charlotte Cushman, Chris Brum, Derrick W. Smith, Diane L. Fazzi, Ph.D., COMS, Elizabeth Hartmann, Frances K. Liefert, M.A., Jane N. Erin, Ph.D., Jennifer L. Cmar, Laurie Denno, Mary C. Zatta, Robyn Herrera, Sharon Z. Sacks, Ph.D., Stacy M. Kelly , Susan M. Bruce, Tanni L. Anthony, Therese Rafalowski Welch
Description of Keys to Educational Success
Every student has unique learning needs, but addressing the diverse needs of students who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities can be particularly challenging for teachers. Keys to Educational Success helps educators unlock the learning potential of their students by providing key program strategies that can be directly applied to classroom learning routines.
Resources to try for literacy access: Build a toolbox!
Voice Dream Reader
10 Tips for Using iPads with Students with CVI:
New! Catalog Number:1-08158-00 Price: $79.00
Swirly Mats II CVI for use during Play-based Functional Vision Evaluation….or just for fun! Use with the Mini-Lite Box or on the yellow, black, white tabletop mats. Assess the characteristics of color preference, need for movement, visual latency, visual field preference, levels of visual complexity, need for light, distance viewing, visual novelty, and visually-guided reach.
Cerebral Visual Impairment: A Brain-Based Visual Condition
In this webcast, Dr. Lueck provides an overview of cerebral visual impairment and the challenges that parents and professionals face in terms of understanding how children with CVI use their vision. She emphasizes the importance of assessing the child to understand what they see.
Ely, Mindy, S. (2016). Cerebral/cortical visual impairment (CVI): The responsibility of practitioners in the field of visual impairment in a changing landscape. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, News & Features: Comment 110(3), 201-206.
This commentary is based on opening remarks given by Ms. Ely for the American Foundation for the Blind Leadership Conference 2016 all-day session, “Cerebral/Cortical Visual Impairment: A National Conversation,” cosponsored by the American Printing House for the Blind, which took place March 3, 2016, in Arlington, Virginia. Speakers included George Abbott, Chris Clark-Bischke, Michelle Clyne, Amanda Hall Lueck, Lotfi Merabet, Mary Morse, Christine Roman-Lantzy, and Susan Sullivan.
Ballyland Magic App: Introducing iPad accessibility to children who are blind or have low vision
Sonokids is pleased to announce the launch of the long-awaited Ballyland Magic app, the latest addition to the Ballyland Inclusive Design software range for early technology training of children with vision impairment. Ballyland Magic App is an educational and fun iPad game specifically designed for children who are blind or have low vision, to learn and practice a number of touch gestures for VoiceOver, Apple’s built-in screen reader. Supportive and entertaining games enable them to gradually develop touch gesture skills and to become confident with this special navigation that is required for the effective use of an iPhone or iPad. You don’t need to be a VoiceOver expert to assist the child – but by the end of the Grand Finale, you will be well on your way to becoming one. • No previous iPad experience required by the child or parent/teacher • Use at home and at school • Designed with extensive feedback from young children with vision impairment and their educators
For parents and teachers who are blind and who want to support a child in using the app, the landing page is accessible with VoiceOver, and thereafter the app can be set to provide self-voicing accessible navigation.
The app costs $ 4.49. Get it from the AppStore!
The development of the Ballyland Magic app was made possible by a grant from the AMP Tomorrow Fund.
Tips to Expand and Strengthen Collaboration
TEACHCVI Teach CVI is a European partnership that aims to create collaborative tools for teachers and health care professionals. It is meant to build a bridge between teachers/educators and health care professionals so they can work together to benefit the target group; children with cerebral visual impairment, herby referred to as CVI.
iBook by Rosa Wright. The primary purpose of this iBook is to provide parents with key information about Cortical Visual Impairment (also known as Cerebral Visual Impairment or CVI). Photos and videos assist in demonstrating key points. Published by the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC).
Dr. Lotfi Merabet, OD, PhD, MPH at Harvard Medical School presents: Ocular vs. Cortical/Cerebral Blindness? Inside the Adaptive Brain
Webinar Presented at SWOMA conference at TSBVI
An Introduction to Cerebral Visual Impairment
Professor Gordon Dutton
The webinar explores:
- What is vision?
- How does the brain see?
- What is it that limits vision if the brain is damaged?
- Why is it essential to make sure that everything that is presented can be perceived and understood?
Professor Dutton also took some time to answer some questions which were sent in advance of the Webinar
Joy Player – 1-07089-00
The Joy Player is a personal electronic device that allows individuals with visual and multiple impairments to access music and audio books. It is designed to use with the personal music player routine in APH’s Sensory Learning Kit (SLK). The Joy Player differs from other music playing devices on the commercial market and from the National Library Service’s Digital Talking Book Player because it is designed to accommodate individuals who have limited mobility, a lack of fine motor skills, and cognitive disability in addition to a visual impairment.The Joy Player plays audio from three different types of portable electronic storage devices: SD card, USB flash drive, and Digital Talking Book (DTB) Cartridge. The player comes with five blank DTB Cartridges. Simply copy any WAV or MP3 file to an SD card, USB flash drive, or DTB Cartridge
The chute is designed to help students with limited mobility skills guide the cartridge into the player. The product has twist-on caps (with accompanying rings) to temporarily reduce the number of button switches on the device; this reduces visual and cognitive complexity.
Using structural and functional brain imaging to uncover how the brain adapts to blindness Gabriella V. Hirsch, Corinna M. Bauer and Lotfi B. Merabet Evidence will primarily focus on profound blindness due to ocular cause, but related work in cerebral/cortical visual impairment (CVI) will also be discussed. The potential importance of these findings within the context of education and rehabilitation is proposed.
CVI Symposium Massachusetts Commission for the Blind
Vision and the Brain: Understanding Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children (Paperback)
Edited By Amanda Hall Lueck , Gordon N. Dutton
Description of Vision and the Brain
Cerebral visual impairment, also known as cortical visual impairment, or CVI, has become the most common cause of visual impairment in children in the United States and the developed world. Vision and the Brain is a unique and comprehensive sourcebook of current knowledge about CVI and best practices for working with children. Expert contributors from many countries illuminate the complexities of vision loss related to brain injury and neurological causes and provide readers with approaches to assessment and intervention.
Gordon Dutton Discusses Identifying and Managing CVI In Children
Gordon Dutton’s discussion on identifying and managing CVI in Children is now available on the CVI Society’s website.
Cerebral visual impairment is complex. Affected children commonly have refractive errors and need spectacles. Impaired control of eye focusing can cause blurring of vision unless corrected. Damaged visual pathways can cause lack of acuity and / or disordered visual fields. Abnormal eye movement control impairs capture of rapidly moving information. Disturbed ventral stream processing can impair recognition and / or route finding. Dorsal stream damage limits analysis of complex visual scenes and visual guidance of movement. Children with impaired vision from damage to the brain need structured history taking and assessment encompassing all elements of vision, to find and characterise all visual limitations. Educational approaches ensure that dimensions, contrast and location of material shown, fall within visual limitations. Each child’s unique perceptual constraints are also identified, catered for and worked within.
Paths to Literacy (March 17, 2015) Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Systems for Students with CVI & Multiple Disabilities, presented by Faye Gonzalez
SAM: Symbols and Meaning Tactile Connections: Symbols click here for Communication clickhere
CVI Complexity Sequences, eBook and Interactive Cards
This EPUB version of CVI Complexity Sequences was specifically developed for use with tablet devices! CVI Complexity Sequences eBook and Interactive Cards has the same information and content as the CVI Complexity Sequences Kit (1-08156-00). The eBook edition also includes an interactive feature: successfully touching the target image results in an audio response that acknowledges the action. The CVI Complexity Sequences Kit includes cards that present sequences of images designed to help students identify a target image in the presence of increasing amounts of background information. These cards may be used individually or as a sequence and should be presented against a black or plain, light-absorbing background.
Digital Edition Includes:
- Guidebook, electronic format
- Same ten sets of eight images as the print kit, in an electronic format
In addition to tablet devices, CVI Complexity Sequences eBook and Interactive Cards can be used with iBooks on Mac computers and with eReaders on PCs. At this time, the audio feature is not supported by all eReaders. To determine if an eReader supports the interactive feedback, ensure it supports EPUB 3.x format or newer.
D-03610-ED Price: $9.95
The Match Sticks game is designed to provide children in Phases II and III of the CVI Range Assessment with a matching activity that is fun and entertaining and that helps develop vision skills.
Children for whom this game would be appropriate
- At least 5 years of age
- Currently in Phase II or Phase III according to the CVI Range Assessment*
- Able to recognize a particular color among other colors
- Have emerging matching skills
1-08157-00 — $94.00
West Virginia Dept. of Education
Office of Special Programs presents:
Cortical Visual Impairment: Special Topics
Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy presents 18 webcasts on special topics related to Cortical Visual Impairment. Each is approximately 30 minutes in length.
Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children: Visuoperceptive and Visuocognitive Disorders Hardcover– October 25, 2014
Cerebral visual disorders have far-reaching consequences for child development. These have profound adverse effects on children’s education and success in school and also in later life, but, unfortunately, cerebral visual disorders often remain undiagnosed and untreated in the pediatric population. This book provides a state-of-the-art account of what is known about the development and disorders of visual perception in children. It covers the development and disorders of visual perception in children, their assessment, early intervention and management in an interdisciplinary context, both from a scientific as well as clinical perspective. Case studies illustrate the recommended assessment and rehabilitation procedures; synopses, boxes and check-lists complement the presentation of our recommendations for clinical practice.